Why Real Estate Professionals Should Invest In SMS Marketing

7.33 billion individuals worldwide possess a mobile. How can real estate professionals take advantage of this statistic to increase their sales? With real estate SMS marketing, realtors can reach property purchasers directly. Plus, they are more likely to win over clients and vend properties faster.

If you are unfamiliar with this approach's perks, in this guide, we will explain how mobile marketing for real estate can benefit your business.

Why Should Real Estate Professionals Invest In SMS Marketing Services?

When the topic is marketing, the majority of business owners want to know the advantages, and that is totally normal. In the long run, we all want to acquire the best bang for our buck.

The benefits of mobile marketing for real estate are far and wide, but specifically, these are the five reasons why real estate brokers should increase their use of SMS texting.

  • People Prefer SMS Marketing

Various studies have disclosed that many individuals prefer text messages over emails, typically because they are short, easy to read, and only provide important information.

  • You Can Use Specific Keywords To Find New Clients

Real estate SMS marketing can be an outstanding lead capture system for real estate professionals that allows them to draw new clients or nurture existing leads. You invest less money and complete the job within half the time required for traditional real estate marketing tactics.

You can use designated keywords distinctive to each locality or listing and use them in your sale sign or advertisement. Prospective buyers can text you these keywords to obtain more information about the property.

  • You Can Send Automated SMS Messages

Another benefit of real estate text marketing is that you don’t have to write a new reply for every text message you receive.

Instead, you can set up customized replies based on designated keywords and send vital information to your customers faster. For instance, if they are seeking listing rates, you can have an automated SMS message ready to send.

  • SMS Marketing Improves Data Collection

A great business has a lot of information about its customers. Gone is the time when you only needed to advertise on radio or television, and folks would flock to you.

Nowadays, companies invest millions of dollars in gathering data about their clients, which assists them in better comprehending who they are. In the real estate industry, it is compulsory to know your clients.

Just knowing whether a potential customer is single or married, whether they have kids and pets, where their kids go to school, or if they own a vehicle can give you a better understanding of what sort of property you should recommend and at what rate.

  • Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

Compared to other marketing and advertising forms, SMS marketing is cost-effective. With SMS marketing tools, you can generate tailored advertisements that comprise all the details purchasers want to know about a property. 

Plus, you can send bulk text messages to current clients reaching the end of their contract. If realtors can share information about new listings with their clients, it saves people the distress of having to conduct their research and generates more leads quickly.


Personalized SMS messaging is becoming an increasingly essential marketing tool for realtors. The perks of incorporating SMS marketing into your plan far outweigh the expenses. You must take advantage of text message marketing to avoid losing clients to your competitors.

If you are searching for a reliable real estate web scraping company, you can depend on Scraping Home. We specialize in real estate marketing and provide 24/7 data scraping, Zillow scrapping, SMS campaigns for real estate customer engagement, and many other services. Contact us and bring your business to the highest level possible!

Published on 08 Apr, 2023